Tuesday 22 April 2014

Tuesday UPDATE

"Today 6 films have arrived, 2 are Eastwood films, 3 are Richard Pryor films and 1 is a Mel Gibson film."

Western Double Bill.

"First up are two lesser known Eastwood Westerns, Two Mules for sister Sara and Joe Kidd. I have never had the chance to see two mules for sister Sara but it does sound interesting. Joe Kidd I have seen before, it is a Hollywood remake of the man with no name trilogy. They failed to catch the same spirit as those films."

2 greats, 1 stinker

"Next is the American releases of See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Stir Crazy and The Toy. The first two are well known classics which pair up Pryor with Wilder and they get into all sorts of hilarious trouble. The Toy you may not have heard of and for a good reason as it is a forgettable unfunny comedy film which wastes good talent from Pyor and Jackie Gleason."

Welcome to 'Nam!

"Last but not least is the war epic, We were soldiers starring Mel Gibson. A great war film capturing the harsh realities of the Vietnam war. It is based on the true story of Lieutenant colonel Hal Moore and his 400 men get ambushed and surrounded by 2000 Vietnamese soldiers in the Valley of death. Definitely a film to check out if you are a fan of the Vietnam epics like The Deer Hunter and Apocalypse Now."


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