Friday 23 May 2014


"Here is what arrived in the past week, some great releases."

"I don't think these films need explaining due to the popularity of them, Al Pacino at his finest. Almost finished my Pacino collection."

"I decided to buy the Italian Blu-ray of Witness due to the UK release being canceled, Harrison Ford in one of his best roles outside of Indiana Jones and Star Wars. I also decided to get the Australian release of The fugitive and it's sequel U.S Marshals, great 90s blockbuster films, the 20th anniversary edition of the fugitive looks great."

"80s classics, Bachelor Party stars a young Tom Hanks who is getting married and goes on a wild Bachelor Party which soon goes out of control. Revenge of the nerds is a great film, often parodied in Family Guy and American Dad it is a tale of nerds vs. jocks. Porky's is well, I don't think it needs to be explained.  Crocodile Dundee and it's sequel arrived this week on Blu-ray for the first time, not impressed with the picture quality though it is better than the DVD."

"The Wolf of Wall street was a fun film, I loved it. Scorsese is back on form, the best film he has done since the departed in my opinion. Red 2 is a blind buy and I have heard mixed things about it but I had to give it a go after seeing the first film."

"Now onto the last batch of films, three cult films. Two from the label Scream Factory and one from Code Red. Night of the comet released by Scream Factory is a great film, watch the trailer to get the feel of what you are going to see, you are either going to love it or hate it. The other two are forgotten 80s slashers, Final exam released by Scream Factory is a slow moving slasher film. A lot of people hate it but it has a great atmosphere and the tension slowly builds through each scene before each kill. The final film is from Code Red and it is Nail Gun Massacre, the it's so bad it's good sort of film. The killers puns, the voice and acting is enough to check this film out, hilarious!"


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